Taillefer Family

Ella, Alex, Cathy, and Martin's place

About Us

Our little family currently lives in Redmond, Washington, about 30 minutes from Seattle. It's a nice place with a lot of trees and a lot of wildlife. We've been here since fall of 2005. Martin works at nearby Microsoft, while Cathy is busy wrestling with two kids. Ella enjoys preschool, and Alex is just starting out, so he mostly lays there and smiles. -- November 2006


Our family now lives in Sammamish, Washington, still about half an hour from Seattle. The house is hidden behind trees and private roads, but is majestic upon the hill it rests on. Martin now works at Google, and Cathy still wrangles the kids. Ella is ending seventh grade, and Alex third.--

June 2016



Ella was born in California in July of 2003. She loves art, reading, writing, and dogs. She currently attends Inglewood Middle School.



Alex was born in Washington state in September 2006. He [was] a little kid with a big smile. Now, he's nine and loves sports, cars, and Pokemon. He currently attends Rachel Carson Elementary School.



Cathy was born in Okinawa, Japan and moved around with her family until they settled in the little town of Delmar, Delaware, where they owned a chicken farm. Cathy went to college at the University of Delaware. She worked at Commodore for a few years before moving to California where she lived and worked for 12 years. Cathy's a great mom and, like her daughter, is very cute.



Martin was born in Montréal, Canada. In the 1990s he moved to Pensylvania to work on the Amiga computer at Commodore, where he met Cathy. He moved to California to work for The 3DO Company on their game console. Since 1998 he's been working as a software architect at Microsoft. Now, he works at Google.